My Podcast: Diaspora Diary
Hey guys and gals,
It’s been a long time! I have been quiet, but I have been working. If you’ve read the blog, then you’ve probably gathered by now that I’m insatiably curious about people across the globe. I think almost everyone has an interesting story to share, and I love collecting those stories. I haven’t always done a consistent job of writing those stories here on the blog. But as a podcast junkie, I’ve decided that starting a podcast of my own might be a great way to capture some of the amazing stories I hear in my travels and daily life.
The podcast is called Diaspora Diary, because it’s meant to be a platform for sharing stories of #BlackExcellence across the African diaspora. From creatives in Uganda, to entrepreneurs in Jamaica, the featured guests and dynamic conversations show us that there are many paths to success, and the African diaspora is excelling in every facet of life. The interviewees are achievers, entrepreneurs, creators, innovators and gamechangers, most of whom beat the odds and defied the status quo to get to where they are.
Most of us have a celebrity we look up to, from Oprah, to political figures, to athletes. The gap between us and them sometimes feel so wide, and often serve as a reminder that our goals are seemingly unattainable. Yet, there are people we pass by everyday who are doing amazing things, and might even be positioning themselves to be the Oprahs and Obamas of the future. Diaspora Diary is here to capture their stories, and shine a light on the unheard successes in Africa and the Caribbean along the way.

To listen to the podcast, you can check SoundCloud , or Apple Podcasts for iPhone/Mac users, or use the player below. Once you’ve listened, leave me a comment with your feedback. I’d love to know what you think!